GuideSet Max File Size

Setting a max file size

Set a max file size in the Compresso app

Set max file size

  1. Open the Settings sidebar in the app
  2. Switch on Max file size
  3. Set the Max file size to the desired value in Megabytes
  4. Start compression as usual

How it works

Compresso measures an estimated file size when the file starts compressing. If this feature is enabled in Settings, the app will lower the pixel size and quality and restart compression until the estimate meets the value you set.

It may take a few extra minutes to compress the video, and Compresso may look like something is wrong.

Compresso may start over when it’s almost done. This is normal. It most likely happens because the video contains more complexity than Compresso expected.

Some videos may not be able to be compressed to the desired size. If this happens, try and adjust some of the other settings like trimming the video or adjusting the playback speed or quality.

Typical max file sizes across platforms

Sometimes you want to set a max file size for your compressed videos:

PlatformService TypeMax file size
EmailGmail (regular)25MB
EmailGmail (with Drive)10GB
EmailOutlook (regular)20MB
EmailOutlook (with OneDrive)250GB
DiscordFree users10MB
DiscordNitro Basic50MB
Facebook MessengerFiles25MB